Saturday, December 11, 2010

Don't live in Regret... A Beautiful Memory

I used to have a friend. We weren't extremely close or anything but she was cute, kind, fun, and always made you smile. She sometimes referred to me as the "cool mormon". She was quite a character. She always hung out with friends she really cared about. And she may have been short, but she could take one on if she needed to. She was awesome. I remember the day so clearly. It will never leave my mind. I think about it a lot. She was a very nice girl. After school one day my junior year, I saw here walking in my direction and she was wearing this adorable adorable cute dress. I was going to tell her that she looked Really cute. We were getting closer quickly. I noticed that she seemed like she was in a hurry, so I fought myself for the short few seconds before she got to me, about whether I would tell her or not. I decided I would tell her tomorrow that her outfit that day was so cute. That was the last time I saw her. The next morning, I received a phone call from one of my friends. She said that she, the girl I was just talking about, died. I didn't believe it, I kept questioning at if she was sure it was the one I thought she was talking about. I got to school and sure enough, it was true. I cried. I couldn't help it. I had Just seen her the day before. My plan of talking to her that day was no longer an option. I couldn't grasp that someone could be alive one moment and then be gone in a split of a second. In my first period class, they announced it over the intercom. I had my head down because I had already known and seeing others hear the bad news, it was horrible. People were so happy just a second before. Audrey would have wanted them to be happy too. But her passing was a loss to so many people. Seeing the expression change in people's faces was devestating. It was the worst feeling in the world. From what I remember, this happened around April 1st. I couldn't help but think that she would come back and the day after April fools and it would all be a joke. It would have been cruel, but I would have rather had that than the real thing. She was always so full of life and to have it suddenly taken away is a horrible thought. She will never be forgotten. Even by those who barely knew her. They knew her and were lucky to have had a little part in her life. Every time I think of this exprience, I feel so much regret. I should have told her what I wanted to tell her. It was so simple but I didn't think it would be that big of a deal. But it was. to me. We should Never ignore a generous thought. We will live in regret if we do. I do regret it. I had no idea that would be the last time I ever saw her. I felt that I should tell her but I ignored it. My story is simple, but it haunts me to this day. She knows I wanted to say it now though because I know she is up there looking down on us. She wants us to smile. I know she does. She wants us to be happy. Don't surpress a generous thought, To Anyone. Even if it is a stranger you pass by and happen to love what they're wearing. Or you see someone crying. Go to them. Tell them what you will. Generousity can never be a bad thing. Don't live in regret. I will be able to see Audrey one day. And on that day, I'm going to tell her what I've been planning to tell her for the longest time. Her outfit was So cute that day and that while I was on this earth and I thought about her, she was a beautiful memory.

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